WT-ABS-Service-Supplier-blue (1) Gas Cylinder Management

Cascade System (Rack + Cylinder) Gas Packages - Full Lifecycle Support & Maintenance

With more than 50 Years of Equipment Management (offshore & Land);

BURNER's Cylinder Management Framework has proven to provide superior value and cost savings for our customers who have diverse demands for steady streams of gas supply & deployment.  Cost & inventory control are only the first phase of challenges in self-managed, high volume rotating equipment (such as gas cylinders).  We offer full cycle logistics, rack & cascade system setup, inspection, refill, repair, and maintenance - allowing our clients to focus on their mission-critical operations.

[Process Summary]


BURNER is ABS Certified for Recharge & Hydrotesting of CO2 & N2 Cylinders

(Certificate No. 23-5671691-A )

[Maintenance Procedure Cycle]

  • Complete Visual Inspection of Cylinders & Racks
  • Label Verification: Labels in Place & Legible
  • Cylinder Inspection:  Hydro-Test Dates & Valve Condition
  • Inspect, Validate, and Record Cylinder Pressures
  • Function Check:  Inspect & Verify All Cylinder Valves Operating Properly
  • Function Check:  Inspect & Verify Main Discharge Valve Operating Properly
  • Inspect Lifting Sling & Rack for possible Damage, Check Load Test Dates & Mag Test Dates
  • Pressure Test Complete System; Inspect for possible Leaks


  • Full Project, Equipment, & Service Management
  • Serial No.# Tracking by Cylinder & Associated Rack System
  • Single Point of Contact with BURNER Key Personnel (& backup)
  • Direct access to entire Safety Operations Team (24/7)
  • Immediate response to requests & issues
  • Quick turnaround on new orders & fulfillment
  • Reporting timeliness & accuracy via tracking & billing systems


Download Gas Cylinder Management 1-Page Data Sheet (PDF)



Gas Cylinder Management Services are Deployed through BURNER's Safety Operations Division

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