2 min read

Recommended Practice for Fire Prevention and Control on Fixed Open-type Offshore Production Platforms

Upstream Segment


This Recommended Practice (RP) is under the jurisdiction of the American Petroleum Institute (API) Executive Committee on Drilling and Production Operations. It has been prepared with guidance from API and the Offshore Operators Committee (OOC).

It is essential that operations on offshore production platforms are conducted in a manner providing for the safety of personnel and property and the protection of the environment. Process systems and operating practices are designed to prevent the unintentional release of hydrocarbons to the atmosphere and their subsequent ignition. However, the possibility of such an occurrence must be considered and methods employed not only to prevent fires but, where practical, to control a fire that may occur. Nothing contained in any API publication is to be construed as granting any right, by implication or otherwise, for the manufacture, sale, or use of any method, apparatus, or product covered by letters patent. Neither should anything contained in the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent.

This document was produced under API standardization procedures that ensure appropriate notification and participation in the developmental process and is designated as an API standard. Questions concerning the interpretation of the content of this publication or comments and questions concerning the procedures under which this publication was developed should be directed in writing to the Director of Standards, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed to the director.

Generally, API standards are reviewed and revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn at least every five years. A one-time extension of up to two years may be added to this review cycle. Status of the publication can be ascertained from the API Standards Department, telephone (202) 682-8000. A catalog of API publications and materials is published annually and updated quarterly by API, 1220 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the Standards and Publications Department, API, 1220 L Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005, standards@api.org.

Link to Full Recommended Practice